Eli Schiff Wins Nuvalence Builder Award

May 18, 2022


Eli Schiff ’21 is this year’s recipient of the Nuvalence Builder Award, which recognizes one or more graduating seniors at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute who have demonstrated superior skills through extracurricular projects in hardware and software innovation.

Schiff, who graduated in December with a bachelor’s degree in computer science, won the $2,000 prize for his portfolio of projects, including QuACS, a mobile app helping Rensselaer students find and schedule courses. QuACS has earned over 1.3 million page views from thousands of student users in just one year. Schiff was nominated by Wes Turner, a senior lecturer in School of Science,

The award was created by Nuvalence, a platform-focused consulting company led by Rensselaer alumni. Managing Partner and Chief Technology Officer Sinclair Schuller and Partner and Vice President of Engineering Abraham Sultan both hold degrees in computer science from the Institute. Schuller led the selection panel for this year’s prize.

Schiff secured a software engineering position earlier this year at Datadog.

Written By Jeanne Hedden Gallagher
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