Rensselaer and CEG Partner To Host Second Annual Advanced Manufacturing Conference April 22-23; Congressman Paul Tonko To Deliver Keynote Address
April 7, 2014

Congressman Paul Tonko will deliver the keynote address at the second annual Advanced Manufacturing Conference.
A partnership between Center for Automation Technologies and Systems (CATS) at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and the Center for Economic Growth (CEG), the conference will take place April 22-23 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Troy, N.Y.
The two-day conference, with the theme “Make It Smart, Make It Here,” will bring together leaders from industry, government, and academia to address common challenges faced by manufacturers. The conference aims to provide manufacturers with strategies and practical ideas for leveraging innovation, emerging smart manufacturing technologies, and available federal, state, and regional resources to grow their businesses and better compete in the global marketplace.
Register and see the full conference agenda at:
“Manufacturing in the United States is experiencing a renaissance. However, not all companies are prepared to re-shore or expand their domestic manufacturing operations to meet market demands following two decades of outsourcing, downsizing, and other challenges,” said Daniel Walczyk, director of CATS and professor in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering at Rensselaer. “The second annual Advanced Manufacturing Conference will provide a wealth of information from leaders in academia, industry, and government to help businesses face their challenges, meet market demands, and take advantage of new opportunities.”
“CEG is pleased to once again partner with CATS for the 2014 Advanced Manufacturing Conference,” said Jeffrey Lawrence, executive vice president of technology at CEG. “As the Capital Region’s New York State Regional Technology Development Center (RTDC) and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Manufacturing Extension Partnership center, we know how essential advanced manufacturing is to job creation and growth across the region. ‘Make It Smart, Make It Here’ provides local manufacturing companies leading-edge research and new technologies to overcome barriers to growth.”
The 2014 Advanced Manufacturing Conference will feature workshops, technical sessions, business sessions, and discussion on leading-edge manufacturing topics ranging from additive manufacturing, robotics, and digital manufacturing to supply chain development, sales, and managing an innovation pipeline. The conference will also feature a panel discussion organized by the Capital Region Chief Executives Network for Manufacturing.
Also planned for the conference are a poster session, several exhibits, and a FuzeHub Solutions Forum. The half-day forum will enable New York-based manufacturers to meet directly with business and technology experts in one-on-one consultations, with the goal of identifying solutions to business challenges, and taking advantage of available resources and opportunities for growth.
Paul D. Tonko
Congressman Paul Tonko represents New York’s 20th Congressional District, including the communities of Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Saratoga Springs, and Amsterdam. He represents all of Albany and Schenectady counties and parts of Montgomery, Rensselaer and Saratoga counties. He is serving his third term, after first being sworn into Congress in 2009.
Tonko serves on the Energy and Commerce Committee, the oldest standing committee in the House, created in December of 1795. He is the first upstate New York Democratic member of the committee since Leo O’Brien, who resigned the post in October 1966. Paul previously served on the Science, Space and Technology Committee as the Ranking Member on the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee, which oversees all non-military federal research investment. He was also a member of the Energy and Environment Subcommittee. In addition, he also used to serve on the Natural Resources Committee, Education and Workforce Committee and the Budget Committee.
About Rensselaer CATS
The Rensselaer Center for Automation Technologies and Systems (CATS) is supported by New York State Empire State Development’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR). The CATS is one of 15 ESD/NYSTAR-designated Centers for Advanced Technology with a mandate to advance economic development in New York state through the transfer of high-technology academic research from the state’s leading research universities to its companies.
Rensselaer CATS focuses its research activities on all aspects of automation and control in manufacturing and operations. The center partners with companies, both large and small, to develop systems-level solutions for high-impact, industrially driven projects following a proven university-industry collaboration model that delivers technology-based solutions to real-world challenges with tangible impact. Over the past six years, Rensselaer CATS has helped its New York state partner companies realize nearly $305 million in non-job economic impact, and helped create or retain over 787 jobs. Visit Rensselaer CATS on the web:
About the Center for Economic Growth
CEG is the leading economic development organization in New York’s Tech Valley and serves as the Capital Region’s designated Regional Technology Development Center (RTDC). A private, nonprofit, membership-based organization, CEG drives economic growth by working with partners in business, government, and education on strategic initiatives to grow local companies, attract new industry and investment, and prepare communities for future growth.
CEG receives significant financial support from Empire State
Development’s Division of Science, Technology and Innovation, which works to facilitate the integration of innovation and technology throughout New York’s economic development efforts, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) / Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP), and National Grid.
As the designated RTDC for the New York state’s Capital Region and one of nearly 350 MEP locations across the country, CEG is charged with assisting local manufacturing and technology companies generate new sales, create stronger operational infrastructure, and overcome barriers to growth. Visit