New Findings and Approaches Emerge from Remote Investigation

TROY, N.Y. — On a typical April day, Jackie Pelham would spend most of her time in a lab coat and goggles. Working at a laboratory bench, she would examine proteins found in the body. But lately, Pelham has traded her lab coat for a laptop and her lab bench for a desk in her home. Rather than observing biochemical processes, she is poring over previously collected data. Somewhat unexpectedly, even to her, Pelham sees this temporary trade-off as an opportunity.

Confronting Dementia From Lab to Bedside

To bolster the connections between benchside and bedside, the National Institutes of Health National Institute on Aging has awarded Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute a five-year $1.5 million training grant to support a new Alzheimer’s Disease Clinical and Translational Research Training Program. 

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