August 19, 2002
Troy, N.Y. — Donald Siegel, a distinguished professor in
England, has been named chair of the Economics Department at
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Siegel was professor of industrial economics at the University
of Nottingham in England. His research interests are the
economics of technological change; university technology
transfer; productivity analysis; and corporate social
Siegel is an adviser to a National Academy of Sciences
committee that is evaluating the Small Business Innovation
Research Program across federal agencies. He is also an editor
of the Journal of Technology Transfer, an interdisciplinary
journal devoted to the managerial and policy implications of
technology transfer. Siegel also will be co-editing special
issues of other journals on the economics of intellectual
property at universities, science parks and incubators, and the
economics of corporate social responsibility.
Siegel, who grew up in Brooklyn, received his bachelor's
degree in economics and master's and doctoral degrees in
business economics from Columbia University. He has served as a
research fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research,
the world's leading economic research organization. He was an
assistant professor at SUNY-Stony Brook and a full professor at
Arizona State University.
His research has appeared in top journals in economics and
management, such as the American Economic Review,
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Academy of
Management Review, and Academy of Management
Journal. He has written or co-written three books:
Skill-Biased Technological Change, Economics of
Science and Technology, and Technological Change and
Economic Performance.
Contact: Jodi Ackerman
Phone: (518) 276-6531
E-mail: N/A