August 4, 2004
Troy, N.Y. — Researchers at Rensselaer are working to
develop a new medical imaging technique designed to determine
the relative stiffness of soft tissue for the diagnosis of
injury and disease.
“Relative stiffness imaging could be an important diagnostic
tool for such things as finding a tumor in soft tissue or
detecting tissue damage from a heart attack,” said Joyce
McLaughlin, director of the Center for Inverse Problems and the
Ford Foundation Professor of Mathematical Sciences at
Rensselaer. “Our goal is to create images depicting tissue
stiffness by computing the variations of shear wave speed in
biological tissue.”
McLaughlin said her research is inspired by the centuries-old
medical examination in which a doctor presses on the surface of
the body to detect abnormal, or stiff, tissue underneath.
After analyzing data gathered from an ultrasound-based system
developed by Mathias Fink of Laboratoire Ondes et Acoustique,
ESPCI, Universite Paris VII that measures the amplitude of
shear waves as they pass through biological tissue, McLaughlin,
along with Rensselaer research scientists Dan Renzi and
Jeong-Rock Yoon, recognized that the changes of the shape and
position of the wave fronts as they pass through tissue would
allow them to create an image that could be used as a
diagnostic tool.
Shear wave speed can more than double in abnormal, or stiff,
tissue, and the high contrast helps make a high-quality image,
according to McLaughlin. The researchers first developed an
algorithm to identify the location of the very front of the
wave as it passes through the tissue. Using only this data, the
team computes the shear wave speed at each section of tissue
and produces an image of stiffness variations.
“We call what we have developed the Arrival Time Algorithm,
and the initial images we have created using this computation
are very promising,” said McLaughlin.
McLaughlin was recently honored by both the Association for
Women in Mathematics and the Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics when they selected her to present at the AWM-SIAM
Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture at the SIAM Annual Meeting. The
lecture is intended to highlight significant contributions of
women to applied computational mathematics, according to the
AWM-SIAM selection committee.
Contact: Mary Cimo
Phone: (518) 687-7174