January 2, 2023

Air Force Reserve Officers' Training Corps (AFROTC) cadets had a busy fall semester.
First, incoming cadets participated in the Air Force Cadet Orientation Program for an introduction to physical training, basic drill movements, and more. Then, on September 11, cadets and cadre honored the first responders of the 9/11 terror attacks by climbing the Louis Rubin Memorial Approach 10 times with fellow students.
In October, cadets practiced tactical skills such as land navigation and tactical casualty combat care during the cadet training exercise. Alumni Weekend gave former cadets a chance to return to their alma mater. Current cadets were invited to mingle and it was an amazing opportunity for them to hear from officers who were once in their shoes. Next, cadets went to Albany Airport to see off veterans traveling to Washington, D.C., to tour memorials and museums for the annual Patriot Flight that is sponsored by airlines. Then, Detachment 550 competed in the second annual Battle of New York against six other detachments. With events such as drill knockout, warrior knowledge, room clearing, and more, Detachment 550 placed 3rd overall and had an amazing time. Over Family Weekend, cadets showcased their skills and Lt. Col. Miller gave new scholarship cadets their oath of enlistment.
In November, Detachment 550 competed with RPI’s Army and Navy ROTC detachments in athletic events. They included ultimate frisbee, flag football, and an event in which cadets race in groups carrying life-sized 200 lb. dummies and full jerrycans of water. Ultimately, Army emerged victorious by a single point. Next, ROTC cadets from RPI’s Army, Navy, and Air Force were invited to the annual military appreciation football game. At the halftime show, Army ROTC cadets contracted to signify their dedication to their country and the Constitution. Cadet Kevin Hughes of Air Force ROTC was #6 on the field.
Also in November, Detachment 550’s joint Color Guard with RPI’s Navy ROTC presented the colors for the Veterans Day Vigil at Samaritan Hospital. The event included remarks by RPI Navy ROTC Commander Latta and others. Then, RPI’s Air Force ROTC detachment participated in a field exercise focused on small unit tactics, land navigation, and procedures to rescue wounded personnel. On November 18, RPI hosted a military appreciation hockey game in which Army, Navy, and Air Force ROTC cadets and midshipmen were invited to view the match between RPI and University of Alaska – Fairbanks. RPI cadets and midshipmen performed an honor guard ceremony and laid the puck at the start of the game.