The Rise Of AI Deception In Elections: Deepfakes, Voice Cloning, And Robocalls Pose New Challenges
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RPI’s New Master of Biomedical Engineering Data Science Readies Students for Careers in Health Sciences, Clinical Research, and more
The Department of Biomedical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute has established a new master’s degree program that will prepare students for careers of biomedical data science, a fast growing engineering specialty.Those with expertise in biomedical data science are already in high demand, and that demand will continue to rise in the future, said Juergen Hahn, Ph.D., head of the Biomedical Engineering Department.
Rensselaer Researcher Finds That Users Seek Out Echo Chambers on Social Media
We all know that communication encompasses so much more than words. Facial expressions, intonations, hand gestures, and more contribute to our expressiveness. However, in social media, these intricacies are lost.
RPI wants to put $10 million behind startups
Three Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Faculty Members Honored by AAAS
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Boleslaw Szymanski, Ph.D., and Chunyu Wang, M.D. Ph.D., have been elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement Science (AAAS). Steven Cramer, Ph.D., who was elected AAAS Fellow in 2017, was elected Council Member of the Section on Engineering.