Center for Infrastructure, Transportation, and the Environment (CITE)

2020 School of Engineering Faculty Award Recipients Demonstrate Passion and Innovation

More than a dozen faculty members in the School of Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have received 2020 School of Engineering Faculty Awards. The awards recognize innovative pedagogy, high impact research, and teamwork by Rensselaer Engineering faculty who have continued to push the frontiers despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Consumer Behavior Has Shifted Significantly During Pandemic, Survey Reveals

TROY, N.Y. — The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about an increase in telework and online commerce, and a significant decrease in the number of personal trips people are making. Understanding the effects of these rapid changes on the economy, supply chains, and the environment will be essential, as some of these behaviors will continue even after the pandemic has ended.

Rensselaer Experts Available To Provide Perspective on Hurricane Season

TROY, N.Y. — With hurricane season already underway and projected to be active, communities throughout the U.S. are trying to balance disaster preparation amid an unprecedented public health crisis. While significant attention is rightly being given to COVID-19, leaders – especially those in communities along the coast – must plan for the possibility of dual disasters.

Surveys Reveal Significant Shifts in Consumer Behavior During Pandemic

TROY, N.Y. — The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly altered how people shop, how much they buy, the trips they take outside their homes, and the number of tele-activities — like work, medicine, and education — that have become commonplace. These changes were rapid and have tremendously impacted the economy, supply chains, and the environment.

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