Confluence Documentary Series Exposes Symbiotic Relationship Between the Arts and Sciences

Oftentimes, people think of the arts and sciences as polar opposites. In fact, most people reach a point in their education and careers where they must choose one over the other.At RPI, we believe that bridging the gap between art, science, and technology achieves the unparalleled innovation and creativity required to solve the complex problems of today’s world.  

Riding the Rails in Rensselaer County

Joey Morse ’24 has recently launched an exhibition that explores train travel in the Capital Region from the 1830s to the present at the Albany-Rensselaer Joseph L. Bruno Rail Station.

Rensselaer Professor James Hendler Elected to WAMC Board of Trustees

At its annual meeting in May 2024, WAMC elected Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s James Hendler, Ph.D., to its Board of Trustees. At RPI, Hendler is the director of the Future of Computing Institute, Tetherless World Professor of Computer, Web, and Cognitive Sciences, and director of the RPI-IBM Future of Computing Research Collaboration.

With New Grant, RPI Researcher Unravels Causes of ‘Neutron Noise’ in Nuclear Reactors

Hunter Belanger ’18, ’19G, Ph.D., assistant professor in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute’s Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering (MANE), is one of four researchers nationwide to receive a Department of Energy Distinguished Early Career Award.The five-year, $625,000 grant will fund Belanger’s research aimed at making nuclear power safer and more efficient, supporting state and national efforts to transition away from carbon-emitting energy sources. 

RPI Doctoral Student Designs Ways for Humans and Machines to work ‘symbiotically’

From lane-keep assistance to blind spot detection, today’s cars come equipped with autonomous driving features that make driving easier and safer. Rene Mai, a doctoral student at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, imagines a world in which humans and machines complement each other’s strengths to do more together, a concept known as “symbiotic autonomy.”

2024 Awardees of the Teaching and Learning Collaboratory Seed Projects

The Undergraduate Department and the Teaching and Learning Collaboratory are excited to announce the winners of the 2024 seed project call for proposals. The purpose of the seed projects are to develop a project to the point that it is competitive for external funding. The projects test new pedagogical approaches or technologies that will impact student learning. The grants are in partnership with funding from Undergraduate Education and the Teaching and Learning Collaboratory. And to this point, we wish to extend a big congratulations to this year’s winners!

Rensselaer Graduate Wins Prize for Entrepreneurship

Gabriel Jacoby-Cooper ’24 was awarded the Glenn Martin Mueller ’64 Prize at Rensselaer’s School of Science Commencement brunch. The annual prize was established to honor Glenn Martin Mueller, former Rensselaer Trustee and a 1964 RPI graduate. A leading venture capitalist in Silicon Valley, Mueller was a champion of the entrepreneur, funding many successful start-up companies. The prize is given to a computer science major who is deemed to be the most entrepreneurial.

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