MilkyWay@Home Co-Founder and Rensselaer Professor Heidi Newberg Named Fellow of American Physical Society
Galactic astronomer Heidi Newberg has been selected as a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).
Galactic astronomer Heidi Newberg has been selected as a fellow of the American Physical Society (APS).
To prepare students and career professionals for careers requiring Big Data and analytics skills, IBM and Rensselaer are offering a one-year Lally graduate degree program: the Master of Science in Business Analytics.
More than 1,000 light years from Earth, a giant gaseous planet is in a tight and fast orbit around a star larger than the Sun, and, between the two of them, there’s something funny going on. The star is known as HAT-P-7 or Kepler 2, the planet is Kepler 2b, and Rensselaer physics and astronomy student Emily DeLarme has […]
Deepak Vashisht has been appointed director of the Rensselaer Center for Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies.
Twenty-three students have been inducted into the Rensselaer Phalanx Honor Society for 2013.
Peter Dinolfo, assistant professor of chemistry and chemical biology in the School of Science, has won a prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Award (CAREER) from the National Science Foundation.
A daily challenge faced by the community of Sandubidi in Panama is access to clean water. Rensselaer chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-RPI) has been working with the community to develop a solution.
The emerging genre of bio-art explores new frontiers of life made possible through biotechnology—transgenic species, cells grown on artificial scaffolds, or formed into organs using 3-D printing—and our increasing ability to start, stop, and form life at will. Bio-artists often use techniques developed in the lab in their work, and there are several artists in […]
GM Week is an annual student-run event, focusing on the election of new student government representatives, with the Grand Marshal serving as the highest elected official in student government.
GameFest: Four collegiate game design programs, 40 student-designed video games, speakers from five game design companies and one rollicking concert of game music favorites.