School of Engineering

Mothers of Children With Autism Found to Have Significantly Different Metabolite Levels

Blood sample analysis showed that, two to five years after they gave birth, mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) had several significantly different metabolite levels compared to mothers of typically developing children. That’s according to new research recently published in BMC Pediatrics by a multidisciplinary team from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Arizona State University, and the Mayo Clinic.

Rensselaer To Host 9th Annual National Manufacturing Day

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how a nimble and innovative manufacturing sector can address some of humanity’s most pressing and emergent needs —  from the production of masks and face shields to the biomanufacturing of therapeutics. Beginning on Monday, November 2, high school students from across the region will have an opportunity to explore some of the wide-ranging potentials of manufacturing during the 9th Annual National Manufacturing Day celebration at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

New on the Syllabus: Responding to the COVID-19 Challenge

As classes begin at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute this week, not only has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the format of some courses, it has also assumed a prominent focus in the content of many courses throughout the university. In keeping with the Institute mission to prepare the next generation of world-changing leaders, students will learn how a range of disciplines might respond to the most pressing global health challenge of the modern era.

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